Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First blog

Hi, I'm Molly. I am mother to Audry who is one and two-thirds. I live in Colorado with, of course, Audry, my incredible husband of five years, Will, our superfast dog Omar, and six chickens. There are any number of mice who live here too, but I hate to even think about them, much less name them.

I decided to start a blog because I wanted to have a reason to write every day. When I was a little kid I kept a journal every day, in fact, long after I was a little kid I kept a journal. But somewhere along the way life got in the way of my writing and I stopped.

I still have all those journals. When I come across them I have two types of thoughts, depending on the entry: 1) Whatever made me think I would want to read the sappy rambling of a lovesick teenager? or, for other journal entries 2) Hey, I was not a bad writer. I would read this stuff in a book, and I am a discerning reader (modest too, no?). Thank God I am no longer a lovesick teenager. But I do still ramble.

Before you get your hopes up, I am sure that my writing is not all that astounding these days. It is like anything I haven't practiced in ages, like the piano gathering dust in my spare room- I am not exactly ready for a recital. But that being said, I have plenty I can write about and I frequently fantasize about writing (I know, I know) and I keep asking myself, hey, why don't you just WRITE? So this is just a place for me to practice writing and maybe get good enough to write something "real" one day.

Another reason to blog is because I am a stay at home mom. I used to be just a regular person with friends, hobbies, personal time, you know, regular person stuff. Now I am a mommy. I think I am feeling a touch of identity crisis in anticipation of being known for something like the next maybe 20 years as Audry's Mom, oh yeah, and housewife. This is an attempt to reclaim some of myself and explore how I can incorporate the joy and pride I feel in being a mom but also find out what ELSE there is in there besides mommyhood and housewifeyness.