I live in the countryside- kind of. For people who actually live in the countryside, we don't live in the country. However, for people who live in the city or suburbs, we live in the country. We own 1.5 acres about 45 minutes south east of Denver in an unincorporated area near a small town called Elizabeth. Elizabeth is the kind of town that people who live 30 minutes closer to the city from here say, "Where's that?" At our house we mainly hear airplanes, birds, crickets and the wind. We also hear dogs, chickens, and the occasional donkey.
I have a daughter named Audry and a husband named Willy, or Will, or Pumpkin Pie, or deeda-dado depending on who is talking. They are my everything. Audry is just a little thing, both in stature and age, so spend most of my time tending the house, dog & chickens and Audry.
I like to read and I like to cook. So that's mainly what my blog is about.
I find that I am always wondering what I had for dinner, what other people had for dinner, what's good to make for dinner, etc. Sometimes I like to cook fancy and exotic. Other times I like to cook simple. It depends on my day and my mood.
Each week I try to go to the store just once. I make a list of what I plan to cook and a list of what ingredients I need and I go shopping once. That is enough.
I used to like grocery shopping before I started taking an infant with me. A toddler is worse. I can't wait for the future of grocery shopping. Sometimes I think I should take a Valium before I go. And then probably another one when I get back.
Each week I try to think of what would be good to cook for dinner. And I ask my husband for requests. He never has any suggestions. If he cooked every day we would have mac & cheese with ham and basil & garlic. Every day. OK. Maybe he would do a stir fry when he was feeling super ambitious.
So this blog is to help me keep track of what we eat. And what we liked. And maybe I can look back years (or weeks) from now and say, Yeah! That was a good idea. I will make that again.
Also, I am going to keep a running tab of what I'm reading, just for fun.