Friday, July 8, 2011

July 4th week

This has been a little bit of a crazy week, what with the 4th being a holiday on Monday and Wednesday being my birthday. So I haven't been really cooking exactly. Mainly we've been eating leftover cobbled bits from the BBQ we had on Monday. Here are some highlights of the week:

Here are Audry and her friend Jack playing on 4th of July
And here's some good friends getting ready for our driveway fireworks show: 
I didn't really take too many other pictures that day, in spite of all the food and fun. Mainly it was too hot, and the fireworks were too exciting to photograph. Too bad I didn't take pictures of the mojitos!
But here's a picture of Will playing with Audry before bed. Aww. Mommy's favorite. 
Here is Omar The Dog listening to a story too. 
Oscar the Cat is settling in nicely. He's been here for a couple weeks now. Sleeping on my bedding, the last place I want him. Just like a cat. 
On my birthday it rained so Will and I had a romantic dinner out on the porch he covered last summer. A dinner of leftovers. 
Here is a close up of the tri tip that Willy marinated. Wow. Delicious. I think it is equal parts soy sauce and olive oil probably with some pepper and garlic in there too. Anyway, cut into little steaks and grilled in the toaster oven since the grill is out of gas... superb. 
This is the wine we were drinking. After breathing a little, fabulous. We drank the whole thing. This winery produces amazing wines. Worth every penny of the membership. 
And for dessert.... leftover brownies with ice cream. 
And a gun. That is how you can tell that we finished off a bottle of wine. Don't worry, we weren't firing it. Then I got all chatty and sentimental in the rain and started taking pictures like this:
Anyway, but we recovered and it is back to normal life! Here's Audry checking on our chicks. 
The little chicks have taken over the roost and the big hens are not sure of what to do about it. Mostly they wait for me to let them out so they can roam around under the bushes. 
The little chicks seem to be coming along OK and so far we have had no hen wars, which I expect any day. 
This summer I am not making any major attempts at gardening. I have decided that gardening in Colorado is not for the inexperienced or faint of heart. Firstly, here's the hollyhocks that I planted in the spring a YEAR ago, finally producing gorgeous blooms. 
I am afraid to cut them and bring them in the house. Will that be the end of them? Will they neglect to make more for next year? And here's Audry telling me Pretty!
At our wedding anniversary this spring (also Mother's Day) Will put in this little planter box for me. It has worked out GREAT!
There are perennials at either end and peas & a tomato in the middle.
With a few pots of happy herbs on one side. Audry likes to help me garden my "babies."
And for the finale, here is Omar doing what he does best. Run FAST.

I think I will probably be back to doing regular cooking tonight. It really has been a great week.