We heard it was a beautiful place, and it was.
Just really gorgeous.
And there were buffalo!
Lots and lots of buffalo!
Their heads are just huge.
They were all going to some mysterious buffalo gathering place.
Here's us at the buffalo gathering spot.
Audry helped to drive-
It was inside of a national park so... what the heck? Right?
After lunch we stopped for a picnic at a gorgeous spot
where Willy & Audry took a hike
And here's me!
After lunch we decided to go on a scenic drive where we found some interesting spots to stop and get a picture. (You can't see it, but Rushmore is in the distance)
This is me & Charlotte :)
And then we went to Keystone, where Audry bought a baby ice cream cone
and a pair of sunglasses.
Next we thought it would be fun to check out the local Mystery Area.
Here's Charlotte & Will solving puzzles while we await our tour.
Turns out Audry loves rocks- especially colored ones! There were plenty of these everywhere we went.
If you've never been to a Mystery Area or anything like it, it is the kind of place that completely messes with your sense of which way is the right way up.
Finally on our way home for the day (back through Custer State Park) we stopped at Sylvan Lake.
Purportedly, the crown jewel of Custer State Park.
And understandably so.
The pictures don't do it justice.
We stopped at the dusky time of day when the light turns golden and wonderful.
We hiked about half way around the lake and through a cave- Audry thought it was great.
On Saturday night we were home before dark to get Audry in bed by 8pm- a major achievement!